Mr. Zhang Guangqiang, Director of International Relations Department, Department of Commerce, headed a delegation from Henan Province. They visited the
Category: Past events

CBC in Association with Temple Group; Talk on China-Mauritius-Africa Inland and Cross Border Investment Framework, Immigration & Property Acquisition by

Dinner in honour of the CPAFFC delegation, in the presence of Minister Alain Wong and Mayor of BeauBassin-RoseHill Ken Fong.

CBC President Antoine Koon accompanied by past President Wilfrid Koon in Malaysia paying courtesy visit at the Associated Chinese Chambers

The CBC attended a meeting between the delegation of Hunan and the Economic Development Board at Jin Fei.

The CBC attended a meeting between delegates of the Hunan Province (China) and the Mauritius Port Authority on the 24th

The Chinese Business Chamber facilitated the meeting between the delegation of Hunan (China) and the municipality of Beau Bassin-Rose Hill,

The CBC attended a conference on the China-Mauritius Sports Industry Development and Cooperation, held at Ravenala Attitude Hotel, Turtle Bay

On the 12th June 2019, the Chinese Business Chamber was invited to attend a lunch for the visit of a