1 The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia
2 Guangdong Sub-Council of China Council For the the Promotion of International Trade & China Chamber of International Commerce Guangdong Chamber of Commerce
3 Le Groupement des Entreprises de la SAVA
4 La Chambre de Commerce, d`Industrie, d`Agriculture et d`Artisanat d`Antalaha
5 L`Association Malagasy Chinese Business Chamber de Madagascar
6 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)
7 Association of Chinese People for friendship with Foreign Countries Beijing, Republic of China
8 The China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Jilin
9 Shanghai Chamber of Commerce
10 The Karachi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Pakistan)
11 L`Association des Commercants Chinois de La Reunion (ACCR)
12 Xiamen General Chamber of Commerce
13 La Chambre de Commerce et d`Industrie d`Antananarivo
14 Myanmar Industries Association
15 CPPCC Shanghai Committtee, China
16 UCSI University Trust & OVEC
17 L`Association du Peuple Shandong pour L`Amitie
18 Shenzhen Futian Enterpreneur Association
19 Association Du Peuple Chinois pour Amitie avec les pays etrangers (CPAFFC) Enhanced MOU
20 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)
21 The Charhar Institute
Above is a list of all the MOUs signed by the Chinese Business Chamber Mauritius (CBC) over the past years. The CBC will be happy to give you more details and assist you in any matter relating to the MOUs.
Feel free to contact us by phone 213-7888 or by email office@cbcmauritius.com